I'm going to try and squeeze as many reviews for 2011 as I can before the new year. There's still a fair few recordings that I want to write about. So the next one is The Whole Love by Wilco.
So basically, before I delve right into this, I'm no huge Wilco fan. I've never took any of their other albums seriously and still have trouble doing so. That actually goes for their songs too, I don't really know any of them. I don't know any of the band members, any fellow fans of their music, yet here I am writing a review for their album. Okay lets get started.
The Whole Love... is an album about love. A lot of love, and given the title, that's what you would expect. However, it hits the barrier between pop lyrics and an alt. rock style quite nicely. However, it is neither a pop album or an alt. rock album, it's neither too focused to be either of those. Instead it sits nicely in the good old genre of indie, but given Wilco formed around a time where alt. rock bands were flying up and down, it's very hard to give them a definite style, especially here.
The album doesn't constantly push the barriers of rock though. Most of the songs stick to one sound, with The Art of Almost being the closest to something experimental. This does not let the album down much at all, as it still bounces and has a good feel to it.
Composition - Good. Very good. There are some tracks that sound a bit off, but the general composition of the whole album leaves you very little room to nitpick.
Structure - Erm, it's alright. Wilco played it safe with the structure. But hey; safe is sound!
Creativity - I don't know. I haven't heard any other Wilco albums properly other than Wilco, The Album, so it's a little unfair to judge how creative this is compared to their other stuff. As a general rule of thumb however, I don't see acres of creativity being ploughed into this recording. It's definitely not experimental for an 8th album or whatever number it is.
Lyrics - Bland, generic, you know, the usual. I will admit that they do fit in well.
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